
Why put time and money into a boat that you're not going to use for six months? That's an all-too-common attitude when it comes to winterizing chores. Big mistake. Winter weather can wreak havoc (cracked blocks, corrosion, etc.) on a boat that's not prepared for hibernation. Another tip: If your boat needs professional help and you wait until spring to get it, you're hitting the boat doctor at his busiest time. So it pays to take care of any problems and dealer-required maintenance in the fall before your craft is clutched by winter's icy grip.

Winter air can be humid or dry, and both conditions can bring grief to vinyl interiors. Vinyl cleaners and protectants, available in gels and sprays, can prevent your vinyl from drying out and cracking. More insidious is moisture that opens the door to mildew. More than one boat owner has unzipped his boat in the spring only to find the interior looking like a science project with mold and mildew everywhere. The fix here is to vent your boat cover for good airflow to minimize trapped moisture. Mildew sprays are a big help, as are chemical dehumidifiers that pull excess moisture from the air. Not content with just getting cozy with your interior, moisture likes to do other nasty things, like corrode your on-board electronics and electrical system. If your wiring is of the nonmarinized variety, it's especially prone to corrosion that can cause shorts, blown fuses and a big-migraine - with a large service bill to match.
With the way the snow took out most people's covers last winter, the Shrink Wrapped boats were the only boats that made it through the monster snow storms we had in Virginia. The long, tedious process we go through for shrink wrapping leaves your boat untouched by winters wrath. We vent our shrink wrap and hang damp rid packs to eliminate moisture and mildew problems. We handle the problems of winter so you don't have to. With other services we offer such as hull cleaning, detailing, etc., your boat will come back looking great and ready for the summer.
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